"Go out there and get some strange ass!"
-Jeremy Grey in Wedding Crashers
-Jeremy Grey in Wedding Crashers
Everybody needs strange ass once in a while. Everybody. Even the great Rick Pitino. Because there comes a day in every man's life when he gets approached by a woman in a restaurant and says, "Hey big boy, you were so hot coaching in the 1996 championship game. We close at 10, you wanna do me on this table?"
Well...maybe it didn't quite happen like that.
But the fact remains. In 2003, Rick Pitino had sex with Karen Sypher on a table in a restaurant in Louisville, KY after closing time. He was 50 years old at the time, married, with 5 children. It was a severe breach of fidelity, and one that may cost him in the long run. Two weeks later, Ms. Sypher called Pitino and told him she was pregnant. (Side Note: Rick Pitino is still making sexy time at 50 years old? And he's apparently a straight shooter...Impressive?) Pitino proceeds to give her 3 G's to keep her mouth shut...I mean go get an abortion...I mean "help her get medical coverage." 6 years later, she gets "nailed" by the cops for extortion. Apparently over 10 million, along with cars and tuition for the little ones. Then this upstanding female decides to scream rape, over 6 years after the act and only once the police have "slammed" her with extortion. Funny how that works out, huh?
I'd just like to give a couple thoughts on the topic...
First of all, this story is a prime example of what news has become here in 2009. We as sports enthusiasts are given these juicy breaking news updates over a man's personal business. What does Ms. Sypher have to do with Louisville basketball? Anything at all? Matter of fact, why is this even on ESPN? It's not like Pitino was having a sex party in the restaurant with potential recruits, was he? Now THAT would be newsworthy. And John Calipari would have probably thought of it before him.
The truth is, this is personal. And I don't really want to hear about it. Keep it in the courts where it belongs. I don't want to know about Ben Roethlisberger's hoes. Nor that Stephon Marbury is having a public breakdown over ustream.
People have gotten far too obsessed with things we have no business dealing with. Obviously this is a tough time in Coach Pitino's life. He had a moment of weakness and is working with his family to try and repair what has happened. He sounds remorseful. And as far as we know, he has told the truth to police and reporters the whole time.
So what now? Will Louisville pull the trigger? According to the AD, and University president, they understand that this was a lack of judgment on Pitino's part, but they have no intentions on letting go of the championship-winning coach.
Let's move on. We've all had encounters with strange ass. And sometimes, we've succumbed to the temptation. But what happens in a man's personal life should stay there. We don't need this paraded around ESPN and expose him for what he is...
A married man who had a moment of weakness and is now paying the price to his wife, and his 5 children.
After all, strange ass is better than no ass!
Here's the LOI clip of the day:
Well...maybe it didn't quite happen like that.
But the fact remains. In 2003, Rick Pitino had sex with Karen Sypher on a table in a restaurant in Louisville, KY after closing time. He was 50 years old at the time, married, with 5 children. It was a severe breach of fidelity, and one that may cost him in the long run. Two weeks later, Ms. Sypher called Pitino and told him she was pregnant. (Side Note: Rick Pitino is still making sexy time at 50 years old? And he's apparently a straight shooter...Impressive?) Pitino proceeds to give her 3 G's to keep her mouth shut...I mean go get an abortion...I mean "help her get medical coverage." 6 years later, she gets "nailed" by the cops for extortion. Apparently over 10 million, along with cars and tuition for the little ones. Then this upstanding female decides to scream rape, over 6 years after the act and only once the police have "slammed" her with extortion. Funny how that works out, huh?
I'd just like to give a couple thoughts on the topic...
First of all, this story is a prime example of what news has become here in 2009. We as sports enthusiasts are given these juicy breaking news updates over a man's personal business. What does Ms. Sypher have to do with Louisville basketball? Anything at all? Matter of fact, why is this even on ESPN? It's not like Pitino was having a sex party in the restaurant with potential recruits, was he? Now THAT would be newsworthy. And John Calipari would have probably thought of it before him.
The truth is, this is personal. And I don't really want to hear about it. Keep it in the courts where it belongs. I don't want to know about Ben Roethlisberger's hoes. Nor that Stephon Marbury is having a public breakdown over ustream.
People have gotten far too obsessed with things we have no business dealing with. Obviously this is a tough time in Coach Pitino's life. He had a moment of weakness and is working with his family to try and repair what has happened. He sounds remorseful. And as far as we know, he has told the truth to police and reporters the whole time.
So what now? Will Louisville pull the trigger? According to the AD, and University president, they understand that this was a lack of judgment on Pitino's part, but they have no intentions on letting go of the championship-winning coach.
Let's move on. We've all had encounters with strange ass. And sometimes, we've succumbed to the temptation. But what happens in a man's personal life should stay there. We don't need this paraded around ESPN and expose him for what he is...
A married man who had a moment of weakness and is now paying the price to his wife, and his 5 children.
After all, strange ass is better than no ass!
Here's the LOI clip of the day: